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The KIF1A Australia Foundation was founded in April 2024 after David and Jeanette Harris`s youngest daughter Summer Harris, aged 3 was diagnosed with KAND. Kif1a Associated Neurological Disorder is a rare neurodegenerative progressive disease caused by a genetic mutation and has no cure or treatment.

The KIF1A Australia Foundation works alongside the global organisation to raise awareness and funds to accelerate research to find a cure for Summer and all other Kand patients and their families.

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Raised to Advance Our Mission

Research Partners

Wendy Chung, MD, PhD and her team from Chung Lab (first at Columbia University Medical Center and now at Boston Children’s Hospital) have been our research partners from the very beginning. Dr. Chung is a leader in rare disease research, and families with nowhere else to turn are often referred to her seeking care and an end to the diagnostic odyssey.

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